If none of the solutions works then it is possible that the installation of the Chrome browser might be corrupted. In this article, we will define some common causes of this problem and provide you the viable solutions in order to get rid of this issue.
Therefore, this causes a lot of unwanted tabs to open and thus slowdowns your computer, and sometimes it also hinders your browsing experience. Recently, it has been seen that various users report that the browser automatically opens the new tabs. But still, it is one of the best browsers in the market. It consumes a lot of RAM and also contains some annoying glitches. This browser is famous due to its fast speeds and easy-to-use interface. Google Chrome is the most famous as well as notorious browser and has been used by various users. How to Fix Google Chrome Keeps Opening New Tabs Automatically? There are so many things that trigger the issue of Google Chrome Browser keeps opening New tabs and these are listed below:Ĥ: Background apps and several others. 20 Final words Why Google Chrome Keeps Opening New Tabs by itself?